Sunday, November 22, 2009

Big Man on Mulberry Street (Library)

It’s been forever since my last update. Sorry mom, sorry sisters, sorry Bridget, sorry random Facebook creepers. I know that must have been rough on you. No huge events have passed, other than seeing Joseph Levitt Gordan and somehow NOT marrying him on sight. I think it had something to do with the fact that he didn't see me, because if he had, one look at my eyes would have let him know that we are perfect for each other and that's marriage on the spot would be the best idea ever. But anyway, here’s a list of things Billy didn’t teach me about New York city since I last wrote:

1. Just because you seem to know everybody you run into at a play at NYU, and feel like a big man on campus, does not mean that you do in fact know everybody you see there. So when Haley Joel Osmant looks familiar, its not because he was your friend from summer camp, it’s cause he saw dead people. Try not to say “hi” to him and embarrass yourself as I have done.

2. The New York Public Library is the most intimidating place on earth to enter by yourself for the sake of browsing and wandering. If you don’t walk in like you own the place, you will be frightened, lost, and possibly accused to stealing a book that was already in your purse when you walked in. If you really want to become a member of the New York Public Library system chose a nice, small friendly one, like the branch on Mulberry Street in SoHo. Sure they don’t have every book known to man kind, but at least all the librarians are really sweet and cute.

3. If you buy a loaf of bread, peanut butter, jelly, and cheddar cheese you won’t have to go back to the grocery store for an entire week if you leave the bread in the fridge. On that note, I haven’t become any less frightened of the inside of my oven.

4. The East Village is full of grown up hipsters and their children are mini-hipsters. I have nothing more to add to this, other than don’t be alarmed when you see little girls getting their fashion style from Zooey Deschanel and little boys wearing plaid shirts with grey jeans.

5. And most importantly: Keep your eyes peeled. Celebrities are always around. No Billy sightings yet, but I’m sure that’s only because Billy is waiting to reveal himself to me when he’s most needed.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Easy Money

So it’s been a while since my last update, but I’ve been super busy.

Wait, let me say that again: I’ve been super busy.

Sorry, I needed to bask for a moment in the joy of being able to brag about that. I blame the part of me that wants to be a performer for that.

As soon as I got home from Chicago after Halloween Weekend I had an email waiting for me from a woman looking for a babysitter on the Lower East Side. After a month and a week of searching desperately through the job listing on www.sittercity,.com and resonding to at least one ad a day and hearing back from maybe 5% of those families, I found somebody was contacting me when she saw my profile, and not the other way around. Just when I was done looking for sitting jobs because it was the first day of my ornament job that happens.

Anyway, I went in for the job interview, thinking that I didn’t really care if I got the job either way, since I'm not too terribly strapped for cash with my ornament job. I thought it was be a good experience, and wouldn't hurt to go out for it.

First off, let me just say this: you can never know too much about Star Wars. Forget talent, being friendly, or being cute ladies, because my Star Wars knowledge has single handedly helped me more in life that possibly anything else. Well, with the exception of my faith in Billy that is.

Yep, the little boy and his father are true fans. The three year old was Boba Fette for Halloween and his father has a collection of Star Wars action figures. Me and the future intergalactic bounty hunter hit it off as soon as I saw that costume. When he told me “Episode V, Empire Strikes Back is the best movie ever,” (you read that right, he included the episode number) we had enough to go off of to discuss and play for half an hour longer than I was initially expecting I would.

Needless to say, I got the job. And this child, as Billy would say, seems like easy money.

If that wasn’t enough, just a day after I found out I had my second job, I was offered a part in one of the student films I auditioned for a couple of weeks ago. I can no longer take the part because I really need to work that weekend, but it really feels like things are starting to pick up and look up for me in a big way. I’m knocking on wood that Billy is gonna’ be staying on my side through the rest of this Holiday season by keeping that money coming and sending some good auditions my way.

Update: This morning (the morning I started my sitting job) I was also asked by that restaurant from last week to come in and fill in for a girl. Had to turn him down, but I have to say when things get busy they really do get busy.