Friday, May 14, 2010

Sometimes a Fantasy

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about being a real person, it’s that organization is the key. While Billy never sang songs about the upmost importance of planners and lists, I don’t hold it against him. After all, he’s such a “Big Shot” that he has plenty of assistants to take care of that. But until I become rich, famous, or, more likely, marry the Piano God, I have to make due with more archaic methods of keeping track of my schedule.

I realized about two weeks after moving to New York that I would have to start making daily lists outside of my planner on, not only what I had to do commitment wise, but also what needed to be done in order to maintain my life. When I don’t make a list for the day, I end up watching Netflix, reading a Nero Wolfe mystery, and only a text from a friend or an insane craving for Pinkberry will get me outside. When I do have a list I barely have any down time and actually get done all of the little thoughts that pass through my mind that start with “you know, you should really….”

That’s why I decided last week to make a list for myself of everything that I want to accomplish this summer. I saw in Facebook all the posts of my friends who were finishing up college these last couple of weeks and I realized that I’ve been out of college for an entire school year. To say this got my ass in gear would be an understatement.

Without further Ado here’s the list:

1. Get a Call Back

2. Actually update blog on a weekly basis

3. Go to Yoga classes (I’m hoping copying this onto this blog will embarrass me into actually going)

4. Enroll in a summer course at the New School

5. Get rid of that pimple on my back (obviously this list is not in order of importance or else this would be number 1)

6. Take an acting class

7. Get a part in a show

8. Average AT LEAST one audition per week

I’m happy to say, that only a week later, I’ve already accomplished three of the goals. Before you get too excited, no, that pimple is still taunting me.

I got a call back and now I will be performing in an Off Off Broadway theater very soon. It’s a short comedic show with a pretty big cast and I’ll only be performing a few times, and it’s no pay but it’s still really exciting. It’s a fun cast and a fun show with a rehearsal schedule that fits in perfectly with my nannying jobs that pay the bills.

If you’re interested in knowing which show and when and where you can see me, contact me privately. I don’t need a song from Billy to know that I don’t want to supply that information for all the stalkers and sex offenders to see. I have too much love for television to have missed those after school specials…

The other item crossed off the list: I enrolled in a summer writing course at the New School. I never thought I would be looking forward to writing papers again, but I’m thrilled to be going back to school, even if it’s only in a minor capacity.

Anyway, I’m only one week into my “summer” and I’m already nearly half way through the list. I’ll ask Billy for guidance for accomplishing my other goals (I can only assume Joel knows some good cheap Yoga studios).

In the meantime, if you can think of any other things I should add to my list leave a comment so I can get it done. Is there something you have already/want to accomplish and you think it would be good for me too? Do you hear me bitching about wanting to do something and not following through? Let me know so I can make this my most productive summer yet.

1 comment:

  1. I so know what ya mean girl. My world revolves around lists. I wish I had known how important they were when I was in Chicago.

    Facebook message me with the info about your show, I'd love to come if I can! Those are huge things to have crossed off your list! Good work, To :)
