Saturday, June 12, 2010

I go to Extremes

Life is going exceptionally well for me.

My show opens next weekend (come see me!), and I’m starting to get pretty excited about it. No matter what happens, it’s been a really fun experience and I’m glad to be finally acting again. It seems to be pulling together really nicely. Overall, I think Billy would be proud.

I’m working more hours with Hughie, and, with the nice weather, more people are having date nights, so lately I’ve had more cash on me than a stripper. This won’t last long though, since I have to pay to get my hair done and I’m caving in and buying color copies of my head shot.

I have to say that having to babysit while all these parents have date nights has made me want to have a date night soon myself. Hopefully Joel will throw me a bone and that summer fling the psychic warned me about will kick in soon…

My writing class, though, is really the best part of my life right now. It’s made me really excited to write. It’s a class for writing creative non-fiction, and I find myself writing down ideas for future essays a few times a day. I thought this class would inspire me to write in the blog more, but instead I’m too busy writing out 700 to 2000 word essays as they come to me. I stay up until all hours of the morning writing one once I’m on a roll.

I’m not sure what this means for me. I still love acting and I can’t really imagine doing anything else, but right now my passion seems to lie in writing. It’s amazing to feel this strongly about anything. I remember feeling this way when I would first get a monologue or when I would get cast in a show. I would completely immerse myself into the part.

Maybe that spark will come back, but I feel as though I’ve been forcing it for the past couple of months. I’m still going to go on auditions and I’m hoping to take an acting class at HB studios next month. Perhaps my love for acting is like any relationship, at the beginning it was passionate and consuming, but you settle into it and it loses its luster. I'm still in love, but now it’s a slow burning love. I know now that I can occasionally put that love on the back burner while I tend to my new love that is boiling over inside of me. I don’t like to think of it as cheating, but instead of a polyamorous relationship.

I'm open minded like that.

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